Thank you for considering a bequest to Rural Aid and standing with our mates in the bush.
We are grateful and humbled by those who wish to leave a legacy to rural Australia through our organisation, no matter the size or amount they are able to give.
We rely on the power of individuals giving together to help us and we hope to be able to count you amongst our generous bequestors.
Your promise of future support will help rural communities, both Australian farmers and the towns they live in.
Your connection to our farmers and your belief in supporting them is something we could never thank you enough for.
One way to do this is to create a Gift in Will, for a confidential discussion please contact our Philanthropy team Philanthropy@ruralaid.org.au or contact your solicitor.
For more information, click below
If you would like to use our trusted partner, Safewill, to create an online will that you can create at a time that suits you, check out: