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The Community Builders Program is a grassroots leadership program. The program supports locals within a defined cluster of communities to better understand and build their regional community and economy. Each community is represented by a team of up to six people. Community teams meet within a defined sub-region called a Cluster. There are three stages to the Community Builders program.

In Stage One, the Cluster meets in a different community each month, for a six-month period. The meetings enable discussions about the challenges and opportunities their region face and explores their preferred future. Musters include a community tour and interactive workshops on topics chosen by the participants.

Stage Two sees Community Teams inviting their wider region to a facilitated Community Opportunity Workshop (C.O.W.) event and the formulation and development of a Community Action Plan.

During Stage Three, teams select a project from their plans to cost, budget, and implement.

The Community Teams also meet informally between Cluster Musters to discuss what is being learnt and how to apply it in their community.

The towns in Western Australia’s
Southern Central Wheatbelt

The towns in West Australia’s
North Midlands

The towns in
Central West Queensland

Hunter Valley,
New South Wales

Read our Q&A
with the Community Builders